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Healthy Immune Support
and a Normal & Balanced Immune System?
Eastern Medicine mushrooms and herbs have been used for immune system support for centuries.*
Immune Support Plus™ (New Formula) is a Natural Dietary Herbal Supplement

CONTAINS NO "Beef Bovine Capsules", or Common Fillers such as Silica, Magnesium Stearate, Talc or Silicon Dioxide. The Only Ingredients are Natural Mushrooms, Herbs and Kosher/Vegan Vegetarian Capsules*
Eastern Medicine mushrooms and herbs such as Cordyceps Sinensis, Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), Grifola Frondosa (Maitake), Agaricus Blazei, Lentinula Edodes (Shiitake) & Coriolus Versicolor have been used for centuries for support.*
Immune Support Plus™ is a proprietary herbal formula designed to support a balanced and healthy immune system.*
This unique proprietary formula offers a special combination of immune supportive immuno-supportive "Beta-Glucan" mushroom complex.*
This complex has been concentrated and purified from 100% Certified Organic mushroom species including Cordyceps Sinensis, Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), Grifola Frondosa (Maitake), Agaricus Blazei, Lentinula Edodes (Shiitake) & Coriolus Versicolor.*

As a daily dietary supplement, Immune Support Plus™ can be used by people of all ages and for all situations where an efficient, normal and balanced immune system is the desired goal.*
Suggested Usage: As a Dietary Supplement, take 2-3 capsules 2 times daily with water on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals, or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.*
Product Ingredients: Proprietary blend of Cordyceps Sinensis, Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), Grifola Frondosa (Maitake), Agaricus Blazei, Lentinula Edodes (Shiitake) & Coriolus Versicolor
Count: 90 Vegetarian Capsules
Servings: 30-45 Servings
Herb Net Weight Per Capsule: 500 mg
Immune Support Plus™ Exclusive Formula
The exclusive formula contained in Immune Support Plus™ was designed by doctors over many years using a combination of Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine principles. Throughout history, Eastern Medicine herbs have been successfully used by healthcare practitioners around the world, like in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), to provide the body with maximum support for a healthy immune system.*
The proprietary ingredients in Immune Support Plus™'s New Formula includes a highly effective immuno-active "Beta-Glucan" mushroom complex that has been concentrated and purified from 100% Certified Organic Mushroom species including:
Other important ingredients: Astragalus, Atractylodes and Andrographis.
Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement take 2 to 3 capsules (1500 mg) twice daily on an empty stomach with water or as directed by a healthcare provider. Immune Support Plus™ does not contain wheat, rye, oats, barley, gluten, soy, egg, dairy, yeast, sugar, wax, preservatives, colorings, or artificial flavorings.
A Normal & Balanced Immune System?
- Is your goal to achieve or maintain an efficient, normal & balanced immune system?
- Are you looking to support the body's natural Immune defense?
- Do you wish to avoid the serious illnesses and health challenges that life can bring?
If your answer is "Yes", then Eastern Medicine Philosophies are something you may want to investigate as well as the importance of supporting a balanced immune system. (Click here for more information on common immune & health related questions.)
Suggested Usage & Herb Ingredients

Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement take 2 to 3 capsules (1500 mg) twice daily on an empty stomach with water or as directed by a healthcare provider.
Ingredients: Proprietary blend of Cordyceps Sinensis, Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi), Grifola Frondosa (Maitake), Agaricus Blazei, Lentinula Edodes (Shiitake) & Coriolus Versicolor, with Astragalus, Atractylodes, and Andrographis.
Other Ingredients: Vegetarian Capsules (Cellulose). Immune Support Plus ™ does not contain wheat, rye, oats, corn, barley, gluten, soy, egg, dairy, yeast, sugar, wax, preservatives, colorings, or artificial flavorings.
Count: Each bottle contains 90 Capsules (500 mg. each)
Immune Support Plus Herbs
Immune Support Plus contains potent immune support herbs according to Eastern Medicine:*
- Cordyceps Sinensis
- Lentinula Edodes (Shiitake)
- Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi)
- Grifola Frondosa (Maitake)
- Agaricus Blazei
- Coriolus Versicolor
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Additional information on Immune Support Plus™ (New Formula)
Immune Support Plus™ contains an all natural herbal blend with Astragalus, Andrographis, Atractylodes and an advanced medicinal mushroom blend. This mushroom blend has immune-active Heteropolysaccharides which are more superior to common mushroom-based polysaccharide products often seen in the marketplace. Heteropolysaccharides are a more complex form of bio-active polysaccharides, including cross-linked and soluble "beta mannans" and "beta-glucans". "Hetero-polysaccharides" combine both alpha-bound and beta-bound monosaccharides in the same molecule.*
"Immune efficiency" versus "Boosting the Immune System"

Many individuals, doctors and companies talk about the importance of boosting the immune system. But, the doctors who developed Immune Support Plus™ discovered that the key for overall health, immune function and longevity lies not in boosting the immune system, but rather in achieving an "Efficient Immune System". Their main focus was on creating a specific immuno-modulating herbal formulation that would achieve this balance and efficiency in the immune system. This philosophy and understanding of the body is what Immune Support Plus' development is based on and works perfectly with individuals working with the "Healthy Cell Concept" ( see bottom of page for more info on this).
Immune Support Plus's medicinal mushroom blend is superior to other mushroom-based polysaccharide products and offers many advantages due to the fact that it contains more complex polysaccharides, including cross linked and soluble "beta mannans" and "betaglucans", as well as bio-active "hetero-polysaccharides" which combine both alpha-bound and beta-bound monosaccharides in the same molecule. These complex polysaccharide compounds are not found in earlier-generation-based mushroom supplements. Immune Support Plus' advance medicinal mushroom complex provides a much greater range of immuno-modulation bioactivity than other medicinal mushroom supplements.*
Technical Information on the Unique Medicinal Mushroom Blend in Immune Support Plus

Immune Support Plus' medicinal mushroom blend contains a Beta-Glucan complex (1, 3-1 and 6) of bio-active compounds, nucleosides, arabinoxylane, lentinan, PSK, PSP, active hemicellulose correlated compound (AHCC) and grifolan (which is Dr. Nanba's original Maitake D-Fraction). This blend is formulated through an enzymatically activated process whereby complex cross linked polysaccharides from vegetable sources are converted to biologically active immuno-modulators composed of simpler sugars (such as arabinose and xylose). This unique mushroom blend has been successfully tested in a number of clinical trials in many areas relating to immune function.
This purified and concentrated mushroom formula offers the important immuno-active "Heteropolysaccharides" as well as over 200 different immune supportive polysaccharides which are derived from the enzymatic breakdown of six different species of proven Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) medicinal mushrooms. These mushroom extracts have been used around the world due to their highly supportive qualities relating to optimum immune response.
Immune Support Plus™ now supplies the necessary immuno-supportive ingredients in a perfectly balanced formulation that targets all the areas related to an efficient immune system.
Common Immune Related Questions:
Q. Why focus on "Immune efficiency" instead of "boosting the immune system"?

Answer: Many individuals, doctors and product companies talk about the importance of boosting the immune system. But, the doctors that developed the herbal combinations used in Immune Support Plus™ discovered that the key for overall health, immune function and longevity lies not in boosting the immune system, but rather in achieving an "Efficient and Balanced Immune System". Their main focus in their research was on identifying specific immuno-modulating herbal combinations that would achieve this balance and efficiency in the body's immunity system while not boosting the immune system to unsafe levels. This philosophy and understanding of the body led to the understanding that an unhealthy and over-reactive immune system can result if an individual tries to "boost their immune system".*
Q. What is the Healthy Cell Concept and what can a person do to achieve healthier cells?
Answer: The Healthy Cell Concept is based on the philosophy of providing the body and cells with whatever is needed by the body to achieve healthier cells, healthier organs or a healthier body. This Healthy Cell Concept is often used by individuals interested in supporting their own body's ability, so that the body can naturally cure itself from any condition rather than relying on foreign substances to do it for the body. This Healthy Cell Concept can apply to specific tissue or cellular compromised situations, or simply to maintain continued health and longevity. Talk to you healthcare practitioners about methods you can try to support this Healthy Cell Concept which can often include the following: cellular detoxification, healthy and positive dietary and other lifestyle changes, immune efficiency activities, as well as improving cellular nutrition, hydration and oxygenation.*
Q. Why is it important to optimize my immune system in relationship to disease and overall health?
Answer: For people wishing to avoid the serious illnesses and other health challenges that life and aging can bring, optimizing immune function can be a very important step to maintain good health. Our bodies are under attack all the time as we age from exposure to pollution/toxins, eating junk food and other nutritiously poor foods, and emotional and physical stressors. Even allopathic western medicine doctors will agree that a strong immune system is one of the best ways to increase the chance of healing and getting back to health following any conventional treatment.
It is important to note that when our bodies become sick, a potential vulnerable spot may open in that part of the body's defenses and over time, cell mediated immunity may become inadequate in that area resulting in abnormal cells or disease. This process can take many years to manifest into noticeable symptoms. Because of this fact, focusing on maintaining a healthy immune system over time can be a better approach to minimize the frequency and severity of all symptomatic illnesses as well as allowing us to enjoy a healthy quality of life.*
Q. How the does the body's immune systems work?
Answer: The immune system is a complex system of defense mechanisms made up of special cells, tissues, proteins and organs that work together to protect the body against foreign invaders and disease by identifying and destroying harmful germs and microorganisms such as pathogens or tumor cells. Example of pathogens can include bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi.
Our body's skin, eyes, nose, and mouth are an important first part of our immune system. Our skin secretes antibacterial substances, our tears and mucus contains enzymes that break down the cell walls of many bacteria, and saliva is also anti-bacterial. If any microbes successfully make it past the saliva, the acids in the stomach are the next level of protection. When invaders make it into our blood stream, our organs, cells and other tissues go on the attack to destroy the harmful substances.
Inside the body, the human immune response system recognizes pathogens and reacts by removing, immobilizing, or neutralizing them. The immune system is antigen-specific which means it responds to specific molecules on a pathogen. The immune systems intelligence allows your body to remember previously dealt with pathogens by encoding the cells for future activation. The immune system uses several components to fight an infecting pathogen like T cells which are lymphocytes that circulate between the blood, lymph, and lymphoid organs. These cells trigger a systemic immune response with antigen-receptors on the T cell membrane. B cells, another form of lymphocytes, activate the primary immune response when antigens bind to their receptors. This causes the B cells to reproduce into daughter B cells and they differentiate into antibody-releasing plasma cells. B cells also comprise the immune system's memory.
In certain cases, an auto-immune condition can result when the immune system hits the wrong target and attacks healthy cells in the body that it normally would ignore. This can create symptoms in many areas of the body. Our immune system can unleash a flood of disorders, including allergic diseases, lupus, arthritis, and a form of diabetes if it becomes out of balance.
An autoimmune disorder may result in:
- The destruction of one or more types of body tissue
- Abnormal growth of an organ
- Changes in organ function
Click to Try Immune Support Plus Now
Questions? Call 1-888-522-4372
1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Works like magic!
I always have this product at home. Helps me out when I'm coming down with something after about two-three days instead of 7-10 days without it.