Calm Relaxation
Calm Relaxation Health for the mind is important since everyday stress and tension are unfortunately a part of our modern lifestyle and can affect nearly every single person at some time in their life. While repetitive stresses are unhealthy, occasional stress is not necessarily a bad thing and can actually help a person to perform at their peak when pressured.*
Medical Herbalism & Calm Relaxation Health
In Medical Herbalism, addressing the whole being, mind and body can naturally return to a healthy balance and state of harmony within your being. It is believed that in order to achieve this, one needs to provide the support the body needs to accomplish improved relaxation and vitality. In eastern medicine philosophies, promoting emotional balance and good health can be better achieved through stress reduction, detoxification, adequate clean water, effective supplementation, healthy diet, exercise and other healthy and natural techniques.*
Leading Doctor Recommended Calm Relaxation Health Products:
Calm Ezz
May Promote Calm Relaxation Health:
- Healthy Stress Resistance*
- Anxiety and Nervousness Support*
- Imbalance Leading to Panic Attacks*
- May Promote Natural Relaxation*
- Health Support for Restlessness & Irritability*

Calm Ezz
Get Well Naturals Calm Ezz is a natural and proprietary herbal formula that was developed based on 16 years of anecdotal research and private medical practice in Russia and Vietnam to promote healthy breathing, respiration and a balanced lung function...*
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Without Calm Relaxation Health*
Underlying feelings of anxiety, depression or continual worry can lead to imbalances in our mind and body, thereby reducing feelings of harmony, peace and well being. During times of increased mental demands the brain sends signals to various systems in the body to help out. When the psychological and physical factors of tension/stress are felt, the body increases its release of certain hormones through the adrenal glands to compensate and protect the body.*
Compromised vitality can result if the release of these hormones continues to repeat without a long enough break. To make it worse, if people self-medicate in response to stress by using cigarettes, alcohol and other drugs or become addicted to prescription medications, it can prove to be a downward spiral of imbalance and disharmony in the body.*
Medical Herbalism to Support Calmness*
In Medical Herbalism, addressing the whole being, mind and body can naturally return to a healthy balance and state of harmony within your being. It is believed that in order to achieve this, one needs to provide the support the body needs to accomplish improved relaxation and vitality. In eastern medicine philosophies, promoting emotional balance and good health can be better achieved through stress reduction, detoxification, adequate clean water, effective supplementation, healthy diet, exercise and other healthy and natural techniques.*
Bring on Calmness
There are many natural and healthy things that you can do right now to support relaxation of the mind and body. Some daily helpful relaxation tips that you can do at home are:*
- Using Stress Reducing Techniques Aimed At Progressive Relaxation (Like Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi, & Guided Imagery)*
- Sound Therapy Like Natures Sounds (Wind, Rain, & Ocean)*
- Music Therapy & Breathing Exercises*
All Of These Can Help Your Body Promote Both Physical & Emotional Health.*