Bladder Health
Bladder Health Support Herbal Supplement* 
What is Bladder Health?*
The urinary bladder's role is to store and discharge urine periodically. The bladder's function is paired with the kidneys.*
What Are the Symptoms of Bladder Dysfunction?*
Symptoms of urinary and bladder dysfunction include difficulty urinating, sometimes with burning, pain, stones, infection, urgency, bleeding, and retention.*
Medical Herbalism & Traditional Approaches to Bladder Health*
A Normal & Balanced Urinary Tract?*
Eastern Medicine practitioners ask and answer the following questions: Will dietary herbal bladder health support help:*
- Achieve Freedom from Urinary Tract Infections?*
- Achieve Freedom from Kidney Stones?*
- Avoid Bladder Infections?*
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners believe yes because they believe that a healthy and balanced urinary tract cannot suffer from disorder or "dis" ease.*
Also known as medical herbalism or medical herbology, practitioners work to support a person's body with diet, herbal supplementation & lifestyle stress reduction. Using millenia old specific herbal combinations and practices they believe this may help achieve all of the above.*
The Eastern Medicine Approach*
The Eastern Medicine approach differs from focusing solely on treating the symptoms of bladder, urinary and kidney dysfunction alone. This philosophy of balancing and supporting the body has been used for hundreds of years by TCM practitioners to develop natural dietary supplements designed to restore balance and harmony within the body.*
So instead of waiting until there are have urinary issues, Eastern Medicine asks the questions how can we support our bladder health better so we won't have issues in the first place?
Doctor Recommended Bladder Health Support Product:
Uro Well
May Support Bladder Health:
- Improved Urinary Tract Health*
- Healthy Bladder or Kidney Infection-Free Support*
- Bladder & Stone-Free Health*
- Kidney & Stone-Free Health*
Uro Well
Get Well Natural's Uro-Well is a Doctor Recommended and developed natural dietary herbal supplement that provides maximum health support for the kidney, bladder and urinary systems.*
Click Here for Uro Well*
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Questions? Call 1-888-522-4372
The Bladder & Kidney Connection*
According to practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) urinary bladder imbalances can be associated with disharmony in the kidneys. This is because the urinary bladder performs the functions of receiving waste water from the kidneys and excreting it from the body. It is paired in a yin/yang relationship with the kidneys, so a deficiency in the urinary bladder is typically related to a deficiency in the kidneys.*
Bladder & Urinary Health*
Bladder and urinary health begins with maintaining proper harmony in the organs involved. The first step in promoting bladder and kidney balance is to remove substances that irritate the bladder and cause disharmony. Some common known bladder irritants include coffee, tea, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, and acidic foods like oranges, grapefruit, lemon, lime, mango, pineapple, tomatoes, spicy foods, sugar, honey, milk.*