Can You Fight Diabetes Naturally?
Can You Fight Diabetes Naturally?
Diabetes: How Sweet It's NOT!
October ends with Halloween – a holiday traditionally associated with sweet treats. Perhaps that's why November is devoted to what can happen when you consume too much sugar. November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and well it should be, considering that the number of people with diabetes is growing rapidly. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates that the number of people with diabetes increased by 13.5 percent between 2005 to 2007, and that now eight percent of the American population currently has diabetes! While diabetes is manageable, it can lead to other serious conditions. For instance, the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse states that diabetes significantly increases the risk of developing high blood pressure, heart disease and kidney disease.*
Do You Have Diabetes? Watch for these Symptoms
Diabetes can go undetected for years. Perhaps you're a little overweight and don't get as much exercise as you know you should. But, overall, you feel fine. Then one day you notice that you're making frequent trips to the bathroom. You can't quench your thirst and you're losing weight. You're tired all the time. Your hands, legs and feet feel numb. Your vision's blurred. Diabetes notes that these could be symptoms of diabetes, a condition where your blood sugar is too high.*
What Is a Healthy Blood Sugar Level?
On the Get Well Natural web site you can read that blood sugar is the amount of glucose (a simple sugar) in the blood. Glucose is the primary source of energy for the cells of the body. Blood sugar concentration (known as glucose level) is expressed as millimoles per liter (mmol/L). Normally, blood glucose levels stay within narrow limits throughout the day (4-6 mmol/L). The lowest levels are in the morning before breakfast. After meals, glucose levels rise. Failure of the body to regulate and maintain blood glucose in the normal ranges can lead to conditions such as hyperglycemia (excessive amount of glucose), hypoglycemia (lower than normal levels) and Diabetes Mellitus (abnormally high blood sugar).* Click for More Blood Sugar Health
Diabetes: An Eastern Medicine Point of View
By D. Graeme Shaw, M.D.
If you have diabetes, achieving healthy sugar metabolism is the primary goal. From an Eastern Medicine point of view, normal sugar metabolism involves a balanced coordination between the key energy and organ systems of the spleen, liver and kidneys. In a healthy person, these organs coordinate the control of blood sugar. But when any of these organs get out of sync, hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia may result. You can learn what specific dietary factors have the most influence on organ and energy balance in my article.*
Metabo Well Balances the Body Naturally*
Get Well Natural offers Metabo Well, a product that is meant to support overall healthy glucose levels and metabolism. Metabo Well is an herbal dietary supplement that blends seven key ingredients, including morinda and cinnamon, in order to bring balance to the body and support the body's natural healing mechanisms to remove toxins from organs, and improve healthy pancreatic, kidney and liver function.* Click here to read more about Metabo Well.
Coping with Diabetes
If you have diabetes, the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) suggests concentrating on three areas that can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose monitoring. Healthy eating includes foods rich in fiber, whole grains, lean meats and poultry, skim dairy products, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. Exercise keeps you healthy and tends to reduce stress. Monitoring your blood glucose enables you to take action when needed.*
Diabetes & Stress
Both the MayoClinic and the ADA warn that stress can raise blood glucose levels. The hormones produced as a result of stress may accumulate and prevent insulin from converting glucose into energy. Fortunately, the Stress page on the ADA's web site says the effect of stress on glucose control is closely related to the coping styles of individuals. So rather than stressing out over diabetes, learning to deal with the condition can lead to an increased sense of well-being. "You have some control over your reaction to stress. You can learn to relax and reverse the body's hormonal response to stress. And, of course, you may be able to change your life to relieve sources of stress," advises the ADA web site
Natural Way To Manage Glucose Levels
In May 2007, the Journal of Advanced Nursing featured an article on the rising popularity of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to help control diabetes. According to the authors, CAM can be a valuable strategic measure when striving to improve health conditions. Acupuncture, biofeedback, guided imagery, chromium and magnesium are all discussed on Get Well Natural's Diabetes Mellitus page. The Diabetes Unit of NCCAM's Division of Intramural Research (DIR) continues to study the effects of natural foods, vitamins, and herbs on insulin levels. And WebMD also has information on acupuncture that could be helpful.*
Exercise Can Help Prevent Diabetes
The U.S. Government's Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes on their Diabetes & Me web page that physical activity contributes to the reduction of chronic health conditions. Whether it is weight training or a brisk 30 minute walk, the advantages of exercise can be rewarding in many ways. When specifically dealing with stress, people who want to prevent diabetes can follow a fitness regimen that closely mirrors the plan on the Physical Activity for Everyone section of the CDC web site According to the Getting Started sector of the ADA, making your exercise routine manageable for your specific condition is important, and imperative to stress reduction. Tracking your progress may be one way to stay motivated and diminish stress*.
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