Big Heart Market * Herbal Dietary Supplements to Support Heart Health *
Tips for Lowering Bad Cholesterol
High cholesterol (a.k.a. hypercholesterolemia) affects an estimated 98.6 million adults. If you're eager to find a way to lower your cholesterol levels, or prevent hypercholesterolemia in the first place, we're eager to help with some helpful and natural tips from Get Well Natural.* "Cholesterol: The Good, the Bad and the Truth" by D. Graeme Shaw, M.D.Is cholesterol really the "bad guy"? According to a recent international study, patients in North America being treated for vascular disease had higher rates of strokes, heart attacks, hospitalizations and mortality.1 Dr. Graeme Shaw advises, "In my practice, when dealing with patients diagnosed with high cholesterol, I find it very important to identify why cholesterol is elevated in the first place." Read more about the study and Dr. Shaw's recommendations to support and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.* Test Your Cholesterol KnowledgeIt's Hypercholesterolemia is linked other serious diseases. According to WebMD, "When total cholesterol is above 240 mg/dL, you're considered to have high-risk cholesterol -- which can raise your risk of heart attack, stroke, heart disease and other conditions." Yet despite its bad reputation, your body needs cholesterol to function well. This soft, waxy substance is produced by the liver and is part of every cell within your body. In fact, cholesterol helps form new cells and creates necessary hormones. The American Heart Association (AHA) differentiates between good and bad cholesterol:
At Get Well Natural, we think life's is far too precious to put yourself at risk – especially when cholesterol levels can be controlled naturally. First, we suggest you learn all you can. For example, if you're wondering whether margarine is better than butter, here's a link to some myths and facts and the AHA's ten-question cholesterol quiz. Then follow the recommendations below.* Eat your way to a healthier youYour chances of suffering from cardiovascular disease, hypertension and high cholesterol could be lowered by paying more attention to what you eat. Fast food is a surefire way to a fast decline in health, as is over-consumption of red meat and buttery foods because of their high saturated and trans fat content. On the other hand, a diet plentiful in vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids can boost your immunity and help you avoid health issues. Try delicious recipes like apple-walnut oatmeal, salmon lentil salad and crimini mushroom chicken, as they supply many of the nutrients your body needs to keep your cholesterol at a healthy level. And add a nutritional supplement like Cardio Well to support your body in maintaining a healthy heart and promoting healthy cholesterol levels.* Already have high cholesterol?
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